Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why is it that when a person goes through the system by getting an attorney that person pays for and goes up before a judge and the judge Okays for that person to recieve S.S.I. disability that should be the end of it but it's not that person still has to deal with other people stalking them hoping to find them doing something that they don't think that they should be doing becasue they are on S.S.I disability just so that they think that they are going to get some kind of reward for reporting them when it all comes down to when those that are doing the stalking are just greedy for money to pay for their life style and not caring who they hurt by doing so. Make me wonde,r would they sell their own mother or an infant? just how far would they go just because they don't like the idea of someone getting S.S.I disability and feel theat they are getting a  free ride when they want a free ride too. My book "Portraits Of An american Family And The Illusions Of It All" has  a lot to say about this.

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