All of my adult life of being told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel and all the lies that I was told just to keep me in fear I walked a way from the LDS Church and never looked back as I realize that I didn't need it, want it, or missed it and I am much happier without it and I am sure that when this book is publish that they will excommunicate me just to keep the fear going but what they don't understand is that I excommicated them first. But I still wanted to find the truth, not the truth that someone was telling me to get control or to put fear into me, but the real truth. I've had so msny crappie people in my life that had hurt me, discourge me, let me down and stomped on me that I wanted to know why and to have peace and forgiveness in my heart.
From~ "Portraits Of An American Family And The Illusions Of It All."
I agree with the whole church thing. I feel like I am better person without them too.